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California Artist Coalition of Los Angeles Membership Benefits:

  • A weekly e-mail--distributed to members about up-and-coming meeting topics, events, opportunities, member profiles, and other arts-related information of interest to the general membership

  • Job Bank - includes artists submissions, call to artists and art opportunities

  • Inclusion in the Image Bank (mini-websites for displaying artwork), which can include a link to their personal website

  • Artist Studio visits, and gallery and exhibition tours

  • Ability to include postings of current CACLA members' exhibitions and workshops on website calendar

  • A Members Directory is printed and distributed annually for networking purposes

  • All members are eligible to submit artwork for our exhibitions and events

  • Participate in CACLA Open  Studios

  • Receive notifications of special discounts & promotions

  • Serve on active committees and make a difference in our community

Members Only Services

  • Exhibition Opportunities: Opportunities to pair artists with Los Angeles businesses, municipalities, and art centers to ensure  maximum exposure beyond the gallery/museum scene.

  • Publications and Library: Access to CACLA's online (PDF) membership newspaper; free access to Art Libraries in and around LA County.

  • Online Resources: A comprehensive listing of grants, fellowships, opportunities, university galleries, etc. Job Bank, Event Calendar, Online Gallery, * Follow CACLA happenings--watch videos (You tube/Flicker) of talks at CACLA events, and network through social media sites i.e. Facebook and Twitter.

Become a CACLA member here.

Guidelines >Coming Soon